Raaj Industry & Service

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Company Description

RAAJ Industry & Service……..

 Why we evolved?

H2O the best drink, humanity can EVER get & the most
bountiful product of nature. A Human body has approx 50 to 65% water of this
almost 85% is taken up by our brains. Remember we were always advised by elders
and doctors to consume lots of water and also fruit for healthy life.

RAAJ industry has taken up this advice and we are giving you
a product, water in its natural form and added some goodness of fruit in it. A
tasty difference for a healthy YOU.

Thus evolved “MASHQUI” Our brand name for the best beverage ever
happened to INDIA.

Product profiling

RAAJ industry has plans to introduce 21 flavors over a
period of time. Initially we will introduce two passionate flavors, loved by a
majority of people, across all ages. We have developed our products to match
and surpass the International brands’ standards. While maintaining the perfect
balance of water in its original form. What’s more we have also maintained
standards to match the Beauty angle, Health angle and as well as the Taste

Most important fact about our product, while it quenches the thirst, this can be
also used as a refreshing beverage (unlike sherbets and other fizzy drinks) as
it does NOT contain any synthetic material and also has no preservatives,
making this a safe drink to many across all ages.


We are ISO 22000 : 2005 certified


Certified under the Prevention of Food Adulteration act of

This certificate Guarantees that the ingredients used for
the production of Flavor Water & other beverages manufactured By RAAJ
Industry & services are safe for Human Consumption.


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