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Guides to Classical Music

The Perfect Teaching Device for Music Teachers in the Classical and Operatic Fields

Dear Music Teachers,

As teachers, we know that each new generation must be introduced to the wonders of Classical Music and Opera! The time line graphic approach of the Musical History Map and the Opera History Map has proven to be an invaluable tool in this effort.

We designed the Musical History Map and began retail distribution in the shops of Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Thousands have been sold to date. As a result, the Metropolitan Opera Guild asked us to produce an Opera History Map. This product was edited by renowned opera historian and critic, George Jellinek. Arrangements were made to incorporate the popular European opera house paintings of Andras Kaldor. The Metropolitan Opera Guild has included the Opera History Map in its 700,000 plus mailing catalogue.

Our price to the public is $25 for the Musical History Map and $25 for the Opera History Map plus shipping and handling charges and sales tax (if applicable). Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

Please contact us at (914) 777-0001 for further information.



Coming in Spring of 2008 Strar Trek and the Beatles

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