Integra Export Philippines Ltd

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Sta. Rosa
Laguna Province
San Jose Del Monte
Bulacan Province
Cavite Province

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Company Description

Integra Export Philippines is a multi-industry manufacturing leader with operations in the Philippines and some parts of Asia.

Meeting the critical needs of domestic economy - particularly today's fast-growing emerging markets-has been the dfriving force behind our strategic expansion and success in recent years.

Our product offerings are concentrated on serving customers in three primary end markets: power and energy, food and beverage, and industrial flow markets. Integra Export Phil solutions play a vital role in helping food and beverage producers increase their capacity to more efficiently deliver greater quantities of safer, higher quality products, and in helping power producers expand global infrastrucutre to meet increased demand for electricity.

We believe future investment in these three end markets will be driven by population growth, the expandingmiddle class, environmental and sustainability efforts, new infrastructure build in developing economies and replacement of aged infrastrucutre in developed economies.

At Integra Export Phil imagination and innovation are as valued as product reliability and profitability. We continuously pursue new and better ways of thinking and working, and collaborating with our customers.

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