Advanced Imaging Laboratory Co., Ltd.

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5F Samsung Venture Town
Hanyang Institute of Technology (Hanyang Univ.)
17 Haengdang-Dong Seongdong-Gu Seoul 133-791

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Company Description

<p><b><font color="#0033CC">One foreseeable change</font></b> is
convergence of
  the two major technologies, which are digital and bio-technology. In other words,
nbsp;the efforts to combine electronic technology and medical technology will be
  made in full force in the fut
ure. </p>
<p><b><font color="#0033CC">As a result</font></b>, medical technology will f
  leverage the electronic technology, which will present a significant mean to
  medical doc
tors who strive to maximize the accuracy of their diagnoses of various
  diseases. The other notable change, tak
ing place in the medical technology,
  is that it is going through a major paradigm shift from the responsive an
d after-the-fact
  treatment to proactive and preventive technology, focusing on sophisticated
diagnoses. These two changes will be realized through the innovation and combination
  of the two major technolo
gies. AILAB, standing at the forefront of this enormous
  transformation of the medical technology, will take le
adership in improving
  and innovating the medical technology, thereby contributing to the welfare of
; the society. In order to realize the goal, we want to create a company that
  places ultimate importance
on people, technology and products. With its major
  strengths in devoted human resources and excelling technolo
gy, we are determined
  to grow into a 'Good Company' that can be trusted by customers by manufacturing
sp; the products of the highest quality. The spirit of challenge and confidence
  represent strong determin
ation and the spirit of a venture of the employees
  of AILAB, which is founded upon expertise and know-how, obt
ained through the
  experiences in promising U.S hospitals and top-notch domestic companies. </p>

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