Replica lv bag trading Co.Ltd

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san yuan li
Guangzhou City

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Company Description

We supply from china various branded bags like lv, gucci, chloe,chanel,versace,

jimmy choo, fendi and prada etc. And also branded item as shoes like nike(Jordan

I-XXI, Air Max 95/97/03/06/TN, Shox TL/TL2/Turbo/NZ/R4, Air Force 1, Rift, Timberland),

bape star and sun glasses,scarfe,wallets and so on.

Our products are best quality which are sourced from our associated factories in china.

All bags and shoes and other items are made as per originals with necessary details.

We also provide drop shipping service.

Any buyer is welcomed to place sample order to check the quality.

We sincerely hope to establish mutually beneficial business relationships with overseas clients.

welcome to contact with us by email.
bag, brand , shoe, glasses, scrafe, gucci, jordan

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