Aurora Development LLC

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United StatesUnited States
Po Box 116 Lomira Wisconsin 53048 USA

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Company Description

We are selling 2,250 sq yards of highly engineered Red Naugahyde for only $1.00 per sq. yard. This material is still wrapped in the original packaging from uniroyal, the
material is a durable 58 mils thick and measures 54
inches wide. Originally, this material cost $20 per sq yard.If you or anyone else is interested in buying any or all of this, please contact me.

Please Note: It has pasted

1) The Flame retartant test performed on Nauaghyde is
a Mvss 302 Automotive Safety standard.

2)The Abrasion Factor is tested in the following manner

s not wear thru the surface skin after 4,000 cycles using a 1000 gram load with a H-18 wheel as the abrasive. This is a CFFA test cycle.

There is also another test using 200,000 cycles using a cotton duct material as the abrasive.

d on this information, are you interested is purchasing the 2,250 sq yards of Highly Engineer Red Naugahyde. If you need any more information, please let me know.


Claus Hubert

Sales Manger Aurora Development LLC

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